Anul fondării:
Nr. de copii din clasă:
Rata de absolvire:
We are a college preparatory school for students to be able to study in English language university and school programs anywhere in the world. Our secondary students can take college-level AP courses and qualify for course credit at American universities.
Despre instituție:
QSI International School of Chisinau, a nonprofit institution that opened in September 1996, offers high-quality education in the English language for Preschool (beginning at age three years), elementary students (through the age of 13 years), and an expanding Secondary program (currently to age 18). The school currently has an enrollment of about 100 students. The primary purpose of the school is to meet the needs of the children of foreign expatriates living in Chisinau that require this type of education, with a view to continuing their education in their home countries with a minimum of adjustment challenges. Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools from the United States. The QSI International School of Chisinau offers a rigorous program for students to prepare them for academic study. We our proud of our graduates and their success in Moldova and abroad. We are also proud of caring and compassionate approach to education in which we embrace the individual student and reach them where they are. Our family oriented approach means our students, parents and staff always feel a strong sense of belonging.
Evenimente organizate în cadrul instituției:
SAT and AP testing, International Day, Moldova Day, Fall Festival, Winter and Spring Concerts, Dramatic Productions.
Mesajul Directorului:
As the Director of QSI International School of Chisinau, it is my privilege to welcome you to our school and website. Quality Schools International (QSI) is a non-profit organization with 37 schools in 30 countries. Our school of 90 students is located in the Buiucani district of Chisinau, Moldova. We serve children from 21 different countries, providing an American curriculum and a place for families to connect and nurture relationships. QSI schools maintain high academic standards with equal emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and success orientations—in an accepting, friendly and supportive environment. QSI Chisinau is a warm and welcoming multi-cultural community. Our students, parents, teachers and support staff have one goal in mind . . . success for all!